Borough Plateau Mont-Royal

schools and universities in Plateau Mont-Royal

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Discover in pictures 47 schools and universities in Plateau Mont-Royal

13 images

Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec

Plateau Mont-Royal

This building was covered with brown metal sheets. It has been plagued worst building in Montreal for year 1976. Now the building relive with a new look. Changing exterior of the Institute was a proj...

3 images

High School of Montreal Adult Centre

Plateau Mont-Royal

3711, rue de Bullion

2 images

Conservatoir de musique et d'art dramatique du Québec

Plateau Mont-Royal

4750, avenue Henri-Julien / Villeneuve

1 images

Laurier School

Plateau Mont-Royal

505, avenue Laurier Est

1 images

Saint-Enfant-Jésus School

Plateau Mont-Royal

75, rue Villeneuve Est

1 images

Centre Champagnat

Plateau Mont-Royal

5017, rue St-Hubert / Laurier

8 images

Jean-Jacques Olier School

Plateau Mont-Royal

311, avenue des Pins Est / Drolet

1 images

Gardner Hall

Plateau Mont-Royal

3925, rue University

1 images

Molson Hall

Plateau Mont-Royal

Rue University

1 images

Former Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette School

Plateau Mont-Royal

3505, rue durocher / Milton

* This list in pictures of schools and universities in Plateau Mont-Royal is not necessarily complete

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