Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1890 - 1900   >>

Death during this decade



1896 Hon. Henry Starnes


Historical events of this decade

1895   Birth of the « l’École Littéraire de Montréal » (AKA Literary School of Montreal)

1899-03-10   Incorporation of Loyola College

1897   Foundation of Builder' S Exchange which became Montreal Association construction

1894   Last horse car pulled in the city

1899   Construction of a dam in the Old Port: there will be no more flooding.

1896-10-30   Creation of the Villeray village

1895-11-21   he village Saint-Louis of the End Mile becomes the town of Saint-Louis

1895   The village of Outremont becomes the town of Outremont

1891   Population of Montreal city is around 216 650 inhabitants

1897   Paul Brushésie became bishop of Montreal.

Picture of this time
Mont-Royal Club
Mont-Royal Club
Hôtel Dieux AV des Pins
Hôtel Dieux AV des Pins
Couvent Lachine
Couvent Lachine
Centrale électrique
Centrale électrique
Champs de Mars
Champs de Mars
Rue Sainte-Catherine
Rue Sainte-Catherine
Old Picture of Smith house
Old Picture of Smith house
University Street
University Street
Mackay street in winter
Mackay street in winter
Buildings built during this decade
Schools and Universities
Morrice Hall (McGill) »»» 1890
Lorne School »»» 1890
Redpath Hall & Library (McGill) »»» 1891
High School »»» 1892
Macdonald-Stewart Library »»» 1893
Dufferin School »»» 1893
Old Seminary »»» 1894
Sainte-Brigide School »»» 1894
Académie St-Urbain »»» 1894
University of Montreal, old building »»» 1895
Lomer-Gouin Building »»» 1895
Ste. Elisabeth College »»» 1895
Académie St-Léon »»» 1895
Plateau Mont-Royal Library »»» 1896
Patronage Saint-Vincent de Paul »»» 1896
Former St. François-Xavier School »»» 1897
Department of Geography | University of Montreal »»» 1898
Macdonald-Harrington Building (McGill) »»» 1898
Royal Victoria College, McGill »»» 1899
Sherith Synagogue »»» 1890
Negro Community Center »»» 1890
United Church »»» 1892
Church of the Advent »»» 1892
Grace Church »»» 1892
Centenary Methodist Church »»» 1892
Emanu-El Temple »»» 1892
St. Mary Anglican Church »»» 1892
Church of Françiscains »»» 1893
Bethel Gospel Chapel Church »»» 1893
Knox Church »»» 1893
Mary Queen of the World Cathedral »»» 1894
Canadian Art Pavilion, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal »»» 1894
Taylor's Church »»» 1894
St. Gabriel's Church »»» 1895
Former Westmount Methodist Church »»» 1895
St. John's Presbyterina Church »»» 1896
Former St. Louis de France Church »»» 1896
Première Église Saint-Édouard »»» 1896
Immaculee-Conception Church »»» 1898
St. Charles Church »»» 1899
Saint-Clement de Viauville Church »»» 1899
Synagogue Temple Solomon »»» 1899
Banque du Peuple »»» 1894
Bank of Montreal »»» 1895
Merchant's Banks of Halifax »»» 1895
Former Merchant's Bank of Canada »»» 1899
W. W. Ogilvie Building »»» 1890
Former Sun Life Building (1) »»» 1891
Louis Masson Building »»» 1892
620 St-Paul »»» 1893
Montreal Street Railway Building »»» 1895
Tessier Building »»» 1895
Canada Life Building »»» 1895
London and Lancashire Building »»» 1898
Canada Canada Steamship Lines Building »»» 1899
Public Building
Montreal Racket Club »»» 1890
Douglas Hospital »»» 1890
Fire Station No. 16 »»» 1891
Y.M.C.A of Dominion Square »»» 1891
Hibernia Fire Station »»» 1892
Alexandre-deSève Center »»» 1892
The Royal Victoria Hospital »»» 1893
National Monument »»» 1893
Saint-Henri Post Office »»» 1893
Asile Des Viellard des petites soeurs des pauvres »»» 1893
Protestant Orphan Asylum »»» 1893
St. Margaret's Home for the Incurable »»» 1894
Former Théatre de Quat Sous »»» 1894
Poste du Square Chaboilez »»» 1894
Accueil Bonneau »»» 1895
Shamrock Club House »»» 1895
Sainte-Cunégonde Asylum »»» 1896
Saint-Jean de Dieux Asylum »»» 1897
Viger Train Station »»» 1898
Westmount Public Library »»» 1898
Fire Station no 7 »»» 1898
Former Notre-Dame Library »»» 1898
His Majesty's Theatre »»» 1898
Nazareth institute for the Blind »»» 1899
Apartments and Condos
Stanley Apartements »»» 1897
Denbigh Apartements »»» 1899
Queens Hotel »»» 1892
Industrials Building
Bell Telephone Company of Canada »»» 1890
Ogilvie Flour Mills »»» 1890
Massey Manufacturing Co »»» 1891
St-Dominique Condos »»» 1894
7 doigts de la main Studio »»» 1894
Just For Laughs »»» 1894
Kander Building »»» 1896
Watson Foster Co. Ltd »»» 1897
Dominion Bridge Company »»» 1897
Cherrier Cold Storage »»» 1899
Brunet Building »»» 1890
Préfontaine Building »»» 1890
Brodeur Building »»» 1890
The Bay »»» 1891
O. Labelle Building »»» 1891
Baxter Block »»» 1892
Gravel Building »»» 1892
Dineen building »»» 1892

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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