Y.M.C.A of Dominion Square

Informations and facts

This building was located at the actual location of the Sun Life Building.

Positionnement de cet édifice sur une carte ancienne 1912

Centre-Ville avant la Place Ville-Marie - 1912 plate 15
Carte complète - réference & source

Positionnement de cet édifice sur une carte ancienne 1880

1880 plaque 15
Carte complète - réference & source

Positionnement de cet édifice sur une carte ancienne 1949

Vue satellite de Montréal - 1959
Carte complète - réference & source

    YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) in Montréal

    7 years after the founding of the organization in London in 1844 by George Williams and 11 other companions occurs the founding of the Montreal branch of the YMCA in 1851. It was at St. Helen Street Baptist Church that was held the founding meeting. A few months later J. H. Winn is elected president. In 1853 the association rent for the first time a space in the Odd Fellows' Hall on St. James Street. It was not until 1873 that the association moved into its first building constructed on the edge of Victoria Square. This place was occupied until 1891 when the YMCA moved into its new building facing the Dominion Square until 1912.

    Other related pages to see

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    YMCA Downtown


    1435, rue Drummond

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    Sun Life Building


    The original building was only 7 floors height( right part of the image). This building was for a wile the tallest of the British Empire and Canada. He was the tallest building in Montreal unt...

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    YMCA Drummond Street


    1441 Drummond

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    YMCA of Square Victoria


    Square Victoria / Craig

    Works cited, references and bibliography

    One Hundred Years : THe story of the Montreal Y.M.C.A
    Harold C. Cross, 1951

    Person or institution related to this page

     YMCA - Young Mens Catholic Association

   Architecture - public building

5 images

Mairie d'arrondissement de Saint-Laurent

777, boulevard Marcel Laurin

1956 2 Floors
3 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Bibliothèque Saint-Michel

7601, rue François-Perrault

1956 2 Floors
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Office national du Film du Canada

3155, chemin de la Côte de Liesse

1956 3 Floors
1 images

Aréna McConnell

3883, rue University

1956 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1891)


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  • Stanley Bagg Clark House »»
  • Walter Paul Scott House »»
  • Massey Manufacturing Co »»
  • Redpath Hall & Library (McGill) »»
  • Westmount

  • Thomas Bassett Maccaulay House »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • L'Archevêque House »»
  • Old Montreal

  • Former Sun Life Building (1) »»
  • Pointe Saint-Charles

  • O. Labelle Building »»
  • Plateau Mont-Royal

  • Fire Station No. 16 »»
  • Frank Hugh McKenna House »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1891)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Population of Montreal city is around 216 650 inhabitants
  Facts about Montreal

  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
  • The longest street in Montréal is blvd Gouin : 50 Km
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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