Maisonneuve Fire Station

   Architecture - public building

6 images
2018 2 Floors
8 images
2018 2 Floors
1 images

Cours de Service d'Outremont

600, avenue de la Gare-de-triage

2018 3 Floors
6 images
2018 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1912)


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  • Building Building »»
  • Montreal Children's Hospital »»
  • The Ritz Carlton Hotel »»
  • Holland Building »»
  • Berthe A. E. Boyer House »»
  • Charlotte R. Harrisson House (Macarow) »»
  • David Robertson Brown House »»
  • Herbert Molson House »»
  • Herbert Yuile House »»
  • Rodolphe Forget House »»
  • Montreal Museum of Fine Arts »»
  • Southam Press Limited »»
  • Strand Theatrer »»
  • TNM »»
  • The Winter Club »»
  • YMCA Drummond Street »»
  • Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

  • St. Irénée Church »»
  • Sainte-Élisabeth-de-Portugale Church »»
  • Espace verre »»
  • Beanfield Theatre »»
  • Westmount

  • Westmount Former Fire-Station »»
  • St. Matthias' Church »»
  • M.A.A.A. Westmount Clubhouse »»
  • Isabel Moir House »»
  • Louis-Léonce Léopold Rodier House »»
  • The Study »»
  • Saint-Laurent

  • Alfred Academy »»
  • Former Youville Nursery »»
  • Ahuntsic / Cartierville

  • Bordeaux Jailhouse »»
  • Lachine

  • Former Provost School »»
  • Molson Bank of Lachine »»
  • NDG

  • NDG Library »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • Aird & Son Shoe »»
  • De la Visitation CLSC »»
  • Old Montreal

  • Former Syrian Greek Orthodox church »»
  • Dominion Express Building »»
  • McGill Building »»
  • Shaughnessy Building »»
  • Joseph-Ulric-Cartier Building »»
  • Silo no 2 »»
  • Transportation Building »»
  • Outremont

  • Camille Legault House »»
  • Maison des Soeurs de Marie-Réparatrice »»
  • Olivier Gratton House »»
  • Osiais Lamoureux House »»
  • Mile-end

  • Hotway Apartements »»
  • Plaza Apartements »»
  • École de l'Enfant-Jésus »»
  • Edouard VII School »»
  • Plateau Mont-Royal

  • Former Church »»
  • Empress Apartements »»
  • Vineberg Building »»
  • St. Stanislas-de-Kostka Church »»
  • Gonee appartements »»
  • MAI - Montreal Art Interculturel »»
  • Rosemont

  • Former Rosemount Presbyterian Church »»
  • Villeray / Saint-Michel

  • Église de Dieu Centrale de Montréal »»
  • Fire Station No. 37 »»
  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

  • Maison Adrianna »»
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
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