Alexandre de Sève Pavilion | UdeM


   Architecture - schools and universities

3 images
Rivière-des-Prairies, PAT

Collège Roussin

12085, rue Notre-Dame Est

1914 4 Floors
2 images

Congrégation Notre-Dame

2330, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

1913 3 Floors
8 images


chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges

1913 1 Floors
8 images

Collège Saint-Laurent Musique

Boulevard Sainte-Croix

1913 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1956)


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  • Montreal attract more then 10 millions tourists a year
  • Snow is falling 61 days a year in Montreal
  • Montreal have more then 266 KM of river bank
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