Photos | Verdun Skatepark's new Bowl

Verdun Skatepark's new Bowl

History and fact about

   Cityscapes - Park

1 images
Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

Parc Vinet

rue Vinet

2008 0 Floors
4 images

Parc Lhasa de Sela

rue Clark /Saint-Urbain

2008 0 Floors
8 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Parc Villeray

avenue Christophe-Colomb / Villeray

2008 0 Floors
1 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Parc Turin

rue Jean-Talon

2008 0 Floors
  Facts about Montreal

  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
  • The longest street in Montréal is blvd Gouin : 50 Km
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