Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1920 - 1930   >>

Death during this decade




Historical events of this decade

1924-05-14   Fondation of "l'Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences"

1925   construction of the Jacques-Cartier bridge

1924-10-30   Bank of Montreal acquires Molson Bank

1924-03-25   Election of Charles Duquette to Montreal town hall

1923   Belmont Park opening in Cartierville

1923   The congregation Notre-Dame de Montréal was founded in 1923 by Marie-Gérin Lajoie

Picture of this time
Notre-Dame corner de l'inspecteur
Notre-Dame corner de l'inspecteur
Craig Street
Craig Street
Aerial View of Montreal Old Port
Aerial View of Montreal Old Port
Plateau Mont-Royal view from the air
Plateau Mont-Royal view from the air
West of Montreal's Downtown
West of Montreal's Downtown
Van Horne / Avenue du Parc
Van Horne / Avenue du Parc
McGill Campus view from plain
McGill Campus view from plain
Rosemont Blvd.
Rosemont Blvd.
Boulevard Rosemeont
Boulevard Rosemeont
Boulevard Rosemont
Boulevard Rosemont
Ancien capitol Theatre
Ancien capitol Theatre
Port of Montreal in 1925
Port of Montreal in 1925
Royal Victoria Hospital view from plain
Royal Victoria Hospital view from plain
Litle house in Rosemont
Litle house in Rosemont
New building in Rosemont
New building in Rosemont
Ford Hotel
Ford Hotel
Buildings built during this decade
Drummond Court Appartements »»» 1920
400 Atlantic »»» 1920
Court Mont-Royal »»» 1921
Archambault Store Annex »»» 1921
Caron Building »»» 1923
Wilder Building »»» 1923
Mayor Building »»» 1927
Berkeley Hotel »»» 1928
Royal Bank building »»» 1928
Themis Building »»» 1928
Confederation Building »»» 1928
Tramway Building »»» 1928
Bell Building »»» 1929
University Tower »»» 1929
Métropole building »»» 1929
Balfour Building »»» 1929
Schools and Universities
Académie Bélair »»» 1920
Maisonneuve School »»» 1920
Felix-Leclerc School »»» 1920
Christophe-Colomb Académie Annexe »»» 1920
McGill administrative services »»» 1921
Habitation Hélène Boullé »»» 1921
James [F. Cyril] Administration Building - McGill »»» 1922
Jeanne-Mance School »»» 1922
Saint-Nom-de-Jésus School »»» 1922
Nesbitt School »»» 1922
Hochelaga School »»» 1922
École Herbert Symond School »»» 1922
Baron Byng High School »»» 1923
O sullivan College »»» 1923
INIS »»» 1923
Fine Arts School »»» 1923
Guy-Drummond School »»» 1923
St. Arsène School »»» 1923
Paul-Bruchési School »»» 1923
Carlyle School »»» 1923
Verdun Elementary »»» 1923
Martin-Bélanger School »»» 1923
Saint-Pierre-Claver School »»» 1924
St. Gérard School »»» 1924
Jean-Baptiste Meilleur School »»» 1924
Elizabeth High School »»» 1924
École primaire alternative Étoile Filante »»» 1924
De Sève Apartments »»» 1924
Alice Graham House »»» 1925
Marianopolis College »»» 1925
Mont Saint-Louis School »»» 1925
St. Ambroise school »»» 1925
Sainte-Julienne-Falconieri School »»» 1925
Anthelme-Verrreau School »»» 1925
Brebeuf elementary School »»» 1925
Hampstead Elementary School »»» 1925
Saint-Roch School »»» 1926
Sainte-Cécile School »»» 1926
Saint-Clément Academy »»» 1926
Madeleine de Verchère School »»» 1927
Pulp and Paper Research Institute »»» 1927
Centre Marie Mediatrice »»» 1927
Royal West Academy »»» 1927
Ville Émard CLSC »»» 1927
Former École Notre-Dame-du-Perpétuel-Secours »»» 1927
College Jean-de-Brébeuf »»» 1928
The Sacred Heart School of Montreal »»» 1928
Très-Saint-Sacrement School »»» 1928
Hélène-Boullé School »»» 1928
School Sainte-Cunégonde Girls »»» 1928
Riverview Elementary School »»» 1928
Weredale House - Boys Home »»» 1929
Collège Saint-Ignace »»» 1929
Willingdon School »»» 1929
Chomedey de Maisonneuve School »»» 1929
Dunrae Gardens School »»» 1929
Ancienne Synagogue B'Nai Jacob »»» 1920
Notre-Dame du Perpetuel Secour Church »»» 1920
Saints-Anges Gardiens de Lachine Church »»» 1920
Saint Columba's Church »»» 1920
Central Korean United Church »»» 1920
Sainte-Irène and Saint-Markella Church »»» 1920
Former Poele Sedek Synagogue »»» 1920
Former Methodist Church »»» 1920
Temple Batist Church »»» 1922
Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue »»» 1922
Montreal Korean United Church »»» 1922
Église des Montréalais »»» 1922
Saint-Eusèbe-de-Verceil Church »»» 1922
Saint-Henri Church »»» 1923
Trinity Memorial Church »»» 1923
Church of the redeemer »»» 1923
Seventh-day Adventist Church »»» 1923
New Beth Jehuda Synagogue »»» 1923
St Cyprina Church »»» 1924
Westmount Baptist Church »»» 1924
Royal Bank »»» 1924
All Nations Church »»» 1924
Former Beersheba Adventist Church »»» 1924
St Mary's Memorial »»» 1924
St. Ambroise Church »»» 1925
Ste. Marguerite-Marie church »»» 1925
Ste-Madelaine Church »»» 1925

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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