Central Korean United Church

Picture Alexis Hamel 2012


Hours of masses and other religious events from this churches are not shown because they are subject to change.

   Architecture - churches

3 images

Église Montainside United

4000, The Boulevard / Roslyn

1927 4 Floors
2 images

Eglise de dieu de Bethel

7290, avenue Bloomfield

1927 2 Floors
2 images

Église St Francis of Assisi Parish

7755, avenue d'Outremont

1927 3 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1920)


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  • Parc-Extension

  • 400 Atlantic »»
  • Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

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  • Saint-Henri Public Library »»
  • Lachine

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  • NDG

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  • Centre-Sud

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  • La Petite-Patrie

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  • Côte-St-Paul / Ville-Émard

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  • Mile-end

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  • Villeray / Saint-Michel

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  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

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  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
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