Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1860 - 1870   >>

Death during this decade





Historical events of this decade

1860   Establishment of the Art Association of Montreal

1869-01-16   Publication of Evening Star, who will become in 1877 The Montreal Daily Star

1861   First tram horses in the Old Montreal.

1864   Carters' strike, Montreal is paralyzed

1861-05-18   Establishement of the Montreal City Passenger Railway with a capitalization of 500 000 $

1861-01-05   The village of Saint-Jean-Baptist separates from the village of Côte-Saint-Louis

1868-04-13   Burial of Thomas Darcy McGee

1861   Population of Montreal city is now 90 323 inhabitants

1869   Death of Joseph Guibord of the Canadian institute. Church refused its burial.

1867   Creation of the Saint-Henri parish starting from the territory of Notre-Dame de Gâce parish

Picture of this time
View From Mont-Royal Montain
View From Mont-Royal Montain
Mr Brook's house
Mr Brook's house
Enterrement de Darcy Mcgee
Enterrement de Darcy Mcgee
McGill College
McGill College
McGill College corner Sherbrooke
McGill College corner Sherbrooke
Square Victoria
Square Victoria
Buildings built during this decade
Schools and Universities
Saint-Denis Academy »»» 1865
St. Antoine Institute »»» 1868
Saint-Jacques Church »»» 1860
Soeur Hospitalière, Chapelle de l'Hôtel-Dieu »»» 1861
Saint-Joseph de Montréal Church »»» 1862
New Jerusalem »»» 1862
Chapelle de l’Immaculée-Conception »»» 1862
French Methodist Church »»» 1863
Church of St James the Apostle »»» 1864
St. Sauveur Church »»» 1865
Church of Gesù »»» 1865
Sherbrooke Street Methodist Church »»» 1865
American Presbyterian Church »»» 1866
Former Erskine Church »»» 1866
St. Paul's Church of Scotland »»» 1867
Molson Bank »»» 1866
164, rue Saint-Paul Ouest »»» 1860
170-172, rue Saint-Paul Ouest »»» 1860
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu II »»» 1861
Centre PHI »»» 1861
Mac Farlane Building »»» 1865
Jean-Louis-Beaudry Building »»» 1866
Union Française »»» 1867
Magasin-entrepôt Recollet House II »»» 1867
Merchants' Exchange Building »»» 1867
366-368, rue Marguerite-D'Youville »»» 1867
Dominion Block store Warehouse »»» 1867
Harrison-Stephens II Store / Warehouse »»» 1868
Affiliated Building »»» 1868
Magasin-entrepôt Recollet House I »»» 1868
Alfred-Larocque Building »»» 1869
Alexander-Cross Building »»» 1869
James-Fairie Building »»» 1869
Public Building
Royal Insurance Company Building »»» 1860
Crystal Palace »»» 1860
Hôtel-Dieu of Montreal »»» 1861
St. Antoine Market »»» 1861
Victoria Skating Rink »»» 1862
Former St. James Club »»» 1864
St. Patrick Hall »»» 1868
Apartments and Condos
Prince of Wales Terrace »»» 1860
Terrasse Harp »»» 1864
Félix-Villeneuve Inn »»» 1860
Hôtel du Nord »»» 1861
Nelson Hotel »»» 1866
Industrials Building
New City Gas Company of Montreal »»» 1861
Dawes and Co Brewers and Malsters II »»» 1861
433, rue Sainte-Hélène »»» 1861
Grand Trunk & Intercontinental Railway & Freight »»» 1867
415, rue Le Moyne »»» 1860
Hugh-Thompson Store »»» 1860
359, rue des Récollets »»» 1860
Store Warehouse Louis-Joseph-Béliveau »»» 1860
Édifice des Sulpiciens I »»» 1861
Thomas-Wilson Store-Warehouse »»» 1861
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu I »»» 1861
Thomas-Philippe-Barron Warehouse »»» 1863
Sir George-Étienne Cartier Store-Warehouse II »»» 1864
Store Warehouse Mills II »»» 1864
231-233, rue Notre-Dame Ouest »»» 1864
Henry-Judah Store / Warehouse »»» 1864
Amable-Prevost Warehouse »»» 1864
Edwin-Atwater Store/ Warehouse »»» 1864
395-397, rue Notre-Dame Ouest »»» 1865
Caverhill Block »»» 1866
Magasin-entrepôt Charles-Wilson »»» 1866
Magasin-entrepôt Saint-Sulpice »»» 1866
Store warehouse Seraphino-Giraldi »»» 1866
Magasin Côme-Séraphin-Cherrier »»» 1866
Merrill Store / Warehouse »»» 1867
Genin-Trudeau Store-Warehouse »»» 1868
Magasin-entrepôt Persillier-dit-Lachapelle »»» 1868
Wilson Chambers Building »»» 1869
Shaw Building »»» 1869
Masson Store / Warehouse »»» 1869
Old Houses
Langwill House »»» 1860
Damase Masson House »»» 1860
Thomas-Hood House / Workshop »»» 1860
William-Dow House »»» 1861
Thomas Amos Dawes House »»» 1862
Duggan House McGill »»» 1862
Hugue Allan House »»» 1863
Robert James Reekie House »»» 1863
Jane-Tate II House »»» 1864
Maison ancienne »»» 1866
Linton House »»» 1868
Henriette Moreau House »»» 1868
Isabella Nicol House »»» 1869
Men's house (Soeurs Grises) »»» 1869
Monasteries, Religious Buildings
Ste. Anne of Lachine College »»» 1861
Archevêché de Montréal »»» 1865
Centre Saint-Pierre »»» 1868

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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