Union Française

Picture Alexis Hamel 2008:09

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   Architecture - office

4 images

Édifice Cognicase Cité du multimedia

111, rue Robert-Bourassa

2000 9 Floors
3 images

75-85, rue Queen

75-85, rue Queen

1997 6 Floors
1 images

80 rue Queen

700, rue Wellington / 80 rue Queen / King

1997 4 Floors
2 images

1801 de Maisonneuve Ouest

1801, de Maisonneuve Ouest / Saint-Mathieu

1993 9 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1867)


  • Grand Trunk & Intercontinental Railway & Freight »»
  • Saint-Laurent

  • St. Paul's Church of Scotland »»
  • Old Montreal

  • 366-368, rue Marguerite-D'Youville Building »»
  • Merchants' Exchange Building »»
  • Dominion Block store Warehouse »»
  • Merrill Store / Warehouse »»
  • Magasin-entrepôt Recollet House II »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1867)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Creation of the Saint-Henri parish starting from the territory of Notre-Dame de Gâce parish
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal is the second largest city in Canada
  • There are more then 480 buildings over 10 storeys in Montreal
  • Montreal attract more then 10 millions tourists a year
  Statistics about this page
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