Buildings built during this decade |
Schools and Universities |
McGill University »»» | 1843 | Normal School »»» | 1845 |
Churches |
Former St-Georges Church »»» | 1843 | St. Stephen church »»» | 1844 |
Methodist Centre Church »»» | 1845 |
Sainte-Geneviève Church »»» | 1845 |
Saint-Patrick's Basilica »»» | 1847 |
Bank |
Bank of Montreal »»» | 1847 | |
Office |
Maisons-magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu »»» | 1843 | 207, place D'Youville »»» | 1845 |
20-22, rue Saint-Paul Est »»» | 1846 |
Public Building |
Le Casemate »»» | 1846 | Bonsecours Market »»» | 1847 |
Hotels |
Penny Lane Condos »»» | 1846 | |
Industrials Building |
Entrepôt Robert-Gillespie I »»» | 1842 | Buchanan and Penn Warehouse »»» | 1844 |
William Dow Warehouse »»» | 1846 |
Entrepôt John-Try »»» | 1846 |
Free presbyterain Church »»» | 1848 |
Commercial |
Royal Exchange Building »»» | 1842 | Jardin Nelson »»» | 1845 |
Jean-Bruneau Store House »»» | 1845 |
266-272, rue Saint-Paul Est »»» | 1848 |
Old Houses |
1550, boulevard Saint-Joseph (Lachine) »»» | 1840 | TMR Rugby Club House »»» | 1840 |
Samuel-Mathewson house-store »»» | 1841 |
Notman House »»» | 1844 |
Store House Mary-Grant »»» | 1845 |
John Lewis Forbes House »»» | 1845 |
Store House Jean-Baptiste-Beaudry »»» | 1847 |
Justine-Solomé Hurtubise House »»» | 1847 |
Albert Furness House (Trafalgar Lodge) »»» | 1848 |
John Molson Jr. House »»» | 1848 |
Monasteries, Religious Buildings |
Asile de la Providence »»» | 1842 | Bon-Pasteur Monastery »»» | 1847 |
See the location of these buildings on a satellite map
