Bank of Montreal (BMO) was establish in 1817 and was the first Canadian bank
This building is also visible on those pictures
Prix d'architecture de l'Odre des Architectes du Québec de 1978 à 2011
OAQ, 2010
A Concise History of Canadian Architecture
Harold Kalman, 2000
Architecture de Montréal, guide des styles et bâtiment
François Rmillard et Brain Merrett, 1990
L'Architecture de Montréal
Pierre-Richard Bisson, 1990
Montréal, son histoire, son architecture tome 1
Guy Pinard, 1987
Répertoire d'architecture traditionnelle: Les Banques , 1980
Vieux-Montréal : Le patrimoine en détail
This building won following awards
1988 - Sauvons Montréal - Orange Prize Recycling Category
Architectural elements
Architectural elements
Architectural elements
Architectural lighting
Architecture - bank
Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1847) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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