Methodist Centre Church

Picture 1870 Anonyme

Informations and facts

    Other related pages to see

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    Old Montreal

    This building was built on the site of the Temple Building, which itself had been built on the site of the former Methodist church. In late 2009, it camed around that the CIBC sells the building...

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    Temple Building

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    rue Saint-Jacques

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    In 1923 the church is hidden by a commercial construction of three-storey, according to plans by Frank Peden, in order to make money with chuch's land. It was not until 2005 and the multi-stake...

    Works cited, references and bibliography

    Montreal City of Spires
    Clarence Epstein, 2012

    Églises protestantes
    Hélène Bergevin, 1981

Hours of masses and other religious events from this churches are not shown because they are subject to change.

   Architecture - churches

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Plateau Mont-Royal

Église de l'immaculée Conception

1855, rue Rachel est / coin Papineau

1898 5 Floors
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St. John's Presbyterina Church

110, rue Sainte-Catherine Est

1896 4 Floors
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La Petite-Patrie

Première Église Saint-Édouard

Rue Saint-Denis / Beaubien

1896 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1845)


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  • Old Montreal

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  • Ouest de l'Ile

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  Facts about Montreal

  • There are four world class universities in Montreal
  • Montreal is receiving more snow falls than any other big city in the world
  • A Montreal's nick name is : La ville aux cents clochés
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