Montreal's Architects

Maurice Perrault

Né le 12 juin 1857 à Montréal
Décédé en 1909
Il est le fils d'Henri-Maurice Perrault, architecte de Montréal très connu avec qui il apprit la profession d'architecte. Il finit par reprendre l'agence de son père et est un des membres fondateurs de l'Association des Architectes de la Province de Québec.

1956 visits on this page - metascore 162.73 / 10- 980 votes - 396518 views on architect's building.

Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with Maurice Perrault

Henri-Maurice Perrault  »
Albert Mesnard »
John Ostell »
Alexander Cowper Hutchison »
Henri Maurice Perrault  Henri Maurice Perrault

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

Labelle et Lessard
Camille Provost
agrandissement : Perreault Raza
Quinlan Robertson & Janin
Dominion Bridge Co

Buildings built by architect Maurice Perrault in Montreal

Schools and Universities

10 images

Saint-Eusèbe School


2275, rue Fullum

1 images

Saint-Denis Academy


1037, rue Saint-Denis


8 images

St. Gabriel's Church

Pointe Saint-Charles

Establishment of Saint-Gabriel catholic parish : 1873


3 images

Union Française


Public Building

8 images
12 images

Montreal City Hall

Old Montreal

This building has Second Empire architectural style.

1 images

Bureau de Poste

Old Montreal

This building was destroy in 1959 to let the Bank of Montreal build a new building joint to the old one.

1 images

Alexandre-deSève Center


2040, rue Alexandre-deSève

3 images

Former Station no 11


1212-1216, rue Ontario Est

Industrials Building


2 images

Auberge du Vieux-Port

Old Montreal

92-94, rue Saint-Paul Est / De la Commune

1 images

Hôtel-Dieu Store VII

Old Montreal

51-53, rue De Brésoles

1 images

Amable-Prevost Warehouse

Old Montreal

98, rue Saint-Paul Est / 103, rue de la Commune Est

Monasteries, Religious Buildings

Buildings modified by architect Maurice Perrault in Montreal

Schools and Universities
17 images

Villa Maria School


The central building of the School Villa Maria is the house built for Mr. Monk in 1803. The house also called Monkland, served as a residence for the general governors of Canada between 1844 and 1849....

3 images

Public Building
8 images

Prison des Hommes


Monasteries, Religious Buildings
8 images

Grey Nuns Motherhouse


This building has neo-roman architectural style.

8 images

Ste. Anne of Lachine College


1250, boulevard Saint-Joseph (Lachine)

1 images

Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes


Rue Coté / de la Gauchetièere

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-09-26 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3179.

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