Prison des Hommes

Picture Alexis Hamel 2013

Informations and facts


George Bailock, John Wells

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
William Lander, William Spier

Modifications :
1852 Ajout d'une aile par John Ostell et Henri-Maurice Perrault, 1921 Modification en bureau par Joseph-Ovide Turgeon et John Smith Archibald

Discover more:

   Architecture - public building

5 images

Édifice Léonce Lessard

1420, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest / Bishop

1914 4 Floors
8 images

Marché Maisonneuve

4375, rue Ontario Est

1914 5 Floors
8 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Centre Jean-Marie Gauvreau

911, rue Jean-Talon Est

1914 4 Floors
4 images

Manège Saint-Joseph

4895, rue De Bullion / Saint-Joseph

1914 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1836)

    Old Montreal

  • Cuvillier-Ostell House »»
  • Côte-des-Neiges

  • David David Ross McCord »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1836)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • The Catholic diocese in Montreal is form separate from the diocese of Quebec.
  • Montreal is lighted by the Montreal Gas Light Co.
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal was founded in 1642 by Maisonneuve
  • Montreal is the second largest city in Canada
  • There are more then 480 buildings over 10 storeys in Montreal
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