Old Houses of Montreal

Picture Gallery : 121 to 130 of 319 old Houses found

3 images

Osiais Lamoureux House


chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine

1 images

Marances de Rosay House

Plateau Mont-Royal

3500, rue Laval

1 images

Jhon Millen house

Plateau Mont-Royal

3425, rue Saint-Hubert

1 images

Marie-Hélène Jodoin House


530, rue de La Gauchetière est

1 images

Centre communautaire Bon Pasteur


2338, rue Saint-Antoine / Dominion

5 images

Roy House


3600, avenue Kent

1 images

France Clark Cook House


1535, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

3 images

1234 De La Montagne


1234 De La Montagne

2 images
1 images

Camilius Cornelius-Snowdon house


3661, rue University

Several buildings in the « Old Houses » section are also classified according to their former use. For the same reason they may appear in two differents sections

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