Maison de Radio-Canada


Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Broconlini,Groupe Mach

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    CBC Radio-Canada


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   Architecture - office

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Villeray / Saint-Michel

Le Milwork

7260, rue Saint-Urbain / De Castelnau

2021 6 Floors
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Villeray / Saint-Michel

Fabrik8 - Coworking pour entreprise

7240, Rue Waverly / Jean-Talon

2021 7 Floors
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La Petite-Patrie

7180 Marconni

7180, rue Marconni

2021 4 Floors
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Projet Hutchison

6529-6535, rue Hutchison

2021 5 Floors

Building achieved the same year (2020)

  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
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