Montreal's Sacré-Coeur Hospital

Picture Alexis Hamel 2011:06

Informations and facts

Short History

The institution was first founded in 1898 by a group of women in a small building located in downtown Montreal. Starting 1902, the Sisters of Providence began to support care. The hospital will be known under the name of Incurable Hospital and moved to a new building on Décarie Blvd. in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (NDG).

This building was built following a terrible fire that destroyed the former hospital. First patients were admited in 1926. Part of the old building still stand.

Built far from the city, the new building then comprises an educational centre. The institution then specializes in two areas including the treatment of tuberculosis.

In 1954 the hospital became a general hospital and from 1973 it became affiliated with the University of Montreal.

In 2008, the hospital has 554 beds and employs over 450 professionals among a staff of over 3,800 employees including more than 1000 nurses. Over 20 000 hospitalizations are made each year by doctors, specialists, internal and external students.

It also offers two libraries: Norman Bethune and Library Albert-Prévost.

Ref: website of the institution:


Dalbé viau et Alphonse Venne

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Ulric Boileau et Cie

   Architecture - public building

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Plateau Mont-Royal

Nouveau musée de l’Holocauste de Montréal

3535, boulevard Saint-Laurent

2025 4 Floors
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La Petite-Patrie
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2025 5 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1925)


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   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1925)
    See History of Montreal Section
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  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
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