Judith Jasmin Building (J) UQAM

Informations and facts


Dimitri Dimakopoulos & Associés, Jodoin Lamarre Pratte et Associés

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Louis Donolo Inc

Discover more:

   Architecture - schools and universities

1 images
Plateau Mont-Royal

École Paul-Bruchési

1310, boulevard Saint-Joseph Est/ Lanaudière

1923 3 Floors
3 images

École Carlyle

109, avenue Carlyle

1923 3 Floors
5 images

Verdun Elementary

610, rue Desmarchais

1923 3 Floors
2 images

École Martin-Bélanger

29, avenue Ouellette / Rue Saint-Jacques

1923 3 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1979)


  • Le Noble »»
  • Hubert-Aquin Pavilion (A) UQAM »»
  • Côte-Saint-Luc

  • Le Doray »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • La Tourelle »»
  • Saint-Léonard

  • Complexe Le Baron »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1979)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Latest issue of the newspaper "The Montreal Star"
  • First Montreal International Marathon
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal Metro has 65 Stations
  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
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