Public Building of Montreal

Picture Gallery : 211 to 220 of 598 public building found

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Mordecai-Richler Library


This building was the Church of the Ascension. The transformation in Library was made in 1992.

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Fire Station No. 41


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65 th CMR Regiment

Plateau Mont-Royal

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Maisonneuve Fire Station


4200, Ontario est

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Maisonneuve public Bath


This building has Beaux-Arts architectural style.

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Botanical garden of Montreal


The construction of the Montreal Botanical Garden was undertaken in a period of major public works, after the economic crisis of 1929, in order to put as many people as possible at work. Real u...

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The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada


Short history of the Black Watch Regiment. This regiment connected with the Royal Highland Regiment of Scotland is essentially an reserve of infantry soldier of the Canadian army. It takes ...

Several buildings in the « Public Building » section are also classified according to their former use. For the same reason they may appear in two differents sections

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