Élévateur à grain n3



John S .Metcalfe & R. Percy
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Canadian Vickers

Discover more:

   Architecture - industrials building

2 images

250 Beaumont

250, rue Beaumont / 6833, avenue du Parc

3 images
Old Montreal

Le Pigeon Hole Parking

Rue de l'Hôpital / rue Saint-Jean / Rue Notre-Dame

7 images
Pointe Saint-Charles

Bâtiment 7

1900, rue le Ber

Building achieved the same year (1924)


  • Notre-Dame Hospital »»
  • Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

  • Oliver-Jones Centre »»
  • Westmount

  • Warwick Apartements »»
  • Victoria Hall »»
  • Westmount Baptist Church »»
  • NDG

  • École primaire alternative Étoile Filante »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • All Nations Church »»
  • Jean-Baptiste Meilleur School »»
  • Old Montreal

  • Insurance Exchange Building »»
  • Bluestone Building »»
  • Port Police Station »»
  • Verdun

  • Verdun Postal Office - Distribution »»
  • Mount-Royal

  • Town of Mount Royal train station »»
  • La Petite-Patrie

  • Sixplex on Saint-Valier »»
  • Montreal-West

  • Royal Bank »»
  • Côte-St-Paul / Ville-Émard

  • Elizabeth High School »»
  • Outremont

  • Luxembourg Apartments »»
  • Le Clos St-Bernard »»
  • Mile-end

  • St. Lawrence Warehouse »»
  • Plateau Mont-Royal

  • Saint-Pierre-Claver School »»
  • Rosemont

  • Former Beersheba Adventist Church »»
  • Villeray / Saint-Michel

  • St. Gérard School »»
  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

  • St Mary's Memorial »»
  • St Cyprina Church »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1924)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Election of Charles Duquette to Montreal town hall
  • Fondation of "l'Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences"
  • Bank of Montreal acquires Molson Bank
  Facts about Montreal

  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
  • Montreal Metro has 65 Stations
  Statistics about this page
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