1472-1492 West Sainte-Catherine Project

Picture Alexis Hamel 2024


This project involves the reunification of three buildings on Sainte-Catherine West. It will ultimately include 134 housing units plus 76 rooms.


Régis Côté et associés architectes
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:

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This building is on IMTL.org website because we list every buildings with 10 floors and more. We are not connected nor in relation with the owner of this building so we can’t provide any information about price and availability for rental.

   Architecture - appartement

8 images
Old Montreal

Condos Sax sur le fleuve

Rue du Port de Montréal

2020 7 Floors
13 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Giantonio Condos Locatifs

7396, rue Saint-Hubert

2020 4 Floors
15 images

3530 Jean-Talon Ouest

3530, rue Jean-Talon Ouest

2020 7 Floors
14 images

Westbury phase 2

Avenue Westbury

2020 12 Floors

Building achieved the same year (2026)


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  Facts about Montreal

  • Area of Montreal city is 482,8 km2
  • The larget company in Montreal is BCE Bell Canada with ~ 12 000 employees
  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
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