Batiment 7

   Architecture - industrials building

4 images
La Petite-Patrie

Ateliers municipeaux

1610, rue des Carrières

1926 3 Floors
5 images

Édifice de l'Associated Screen News Limited

Boulevard de Maisonneuve / Avenue Northcliffe

1926 3 Floors
10 images

Dow / La Brasserie O'Keefe

990, rue Notre-Dame ouest

1925 7 Floors
7 images
Plateau Mont-Royal

Centre de transport Mont-Royal

4505, rue Fullum / Mont-Royal Est

1925 2 Floors
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal attract more then 10 millions tourists a year
  • Snow is falling 61 days a year in Montreal
  • Montreal have more then 266 KM of river bank
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