Sun Youth New Building

   Architecture - public building

7 images

Centre Segal des arts de la scène

5170, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine

1 images

Orphelinat Saint-Patrick

Avenue Déom / Proche du Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine

1 images

Ancien Victoria Hall

rue Sherbrooke Ouest

1 images

Orphelinat Saint-Alexis

Rue Saint-Denis / De-Montigny (Boulevard de Maisonneuve)

Building achieved the same year (2026)


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  • Côte-Saint-Luc

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  • Nuns' island

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  • Centre-Sud

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  • Old Montreal

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  • Saint-Léonard

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  • Viau Metro Station Blue Line »»
  • Pointe Saint-Charles

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  Facts about Montreal

  • A Montreal's nick name is : La ville aux cents clochés
  • Montreal was founded in 1642 by Maisonneuve
  • Montreal is the second largest city in Canada
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