Since 1992 the 1000 De la Gauchetière break the Montreal skyline. Indeed, with its 205 meters it is the tallest building in the city.
Multifunctional Buildings, it even has an ice rink in the Atrium, commercial and merchant part of the office building.
Building has a
Area total of 153300 sq. m. Other company
Involved: Pomerleau for construction management.
Other features p>
9000 tons of steel component structure were assembled in just 318 days (as much steel as the Eiffel Tower)
This building is owned by the cash deposit and investment of Quebec (CDPQ).
This building is among 10 tallest Montreal's skyscrapers.
LEED Projects & Case Studies Directory (USGBC)
Les prix orange et citron de Sauvons Montréal
This building won following awards
1992 - Sauvons Montréal - "Lemon" Prize
Architecture - skyscrapers
Building achieved the same year (1992)
DowntownWestmountSaint-LaurentAhuntsic / CartiervilleNuns' islandNDGOld MontrealSaint-LéonardMontréal NordLa Petite-PatriePlateau Mont-Royal Facts about Montreal
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