Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1900 - 1910   >>

Death during this decade



1907 Hon. Sir William H. Hingston


Historical events of this decade

1905   The St-Laurent boulevard becomes the line of demarcation between east and west side of the city

1906   Opening of the first cinema in Montreal

1903-02-06   General strike by the trams employees of Montreal

1903   Foundation of the Insurance Company “La sauvegarde”

1908   Finaly Montreal bouth St. Helene Island for 200 000

1907   Economic slowdown - creation of the "Office of the municipal assistance".

1905-09-11   Annexation Villeray village to Montreal city

1900-02-01   Re-election of Raymond Préfontaine to Montreal town hall

1902-02-01   Election of James Cochrane to Montreal town hall

1904-02-18   Election of Hormidas Laporte to Montreal town hall

1908-02-03   Election of Louis Payette to Montreal town hall

1907-02-28   The village of Verdun becomes the town of Verdun

1909-11-31   Annexation of Saint-Louis city to Montreal city

1905-11-27   Annexation of Saint-Henri city to Montreal city

1906   First demonstration of a zepplin in Montreal

1901   Population of Montreal city is around 267 730 inhabitants

1906-08-11   First pedestrian killed by a car

1907-06-14   Inauguration of Blue Bonnets Horse Race yard

1909-12-04   Creation of the Canadians of Montreal Hockey Team

1907   Montreal Wanderers won the Stanley Cup.

Picture of this time
De la Gauchetière / Peel
De la Gauchetière / Peel
Sherbrooke / Côte-des-neiges
Sherbrooke / Côte-des-neiges
Côte-des-Neiges Village
Côte-des-Neiges Village
Viger Street
Viger Street
Lahaie Park 1900
Lahaie Park 1900
Petite rue Saint-Antoine
Petite rue Saint-Antoine
Viger Square
Viger Square
avenue Olivier
avenue Olivier
Saint-François Xavier
Saint-François Xavier
Hopital Maternité
Hopital Maternité
Viger Square
Viger Square
Victoria avenue 1909
Victoria avenue 1909
Buildings built during this decade
Sovereign Bank Building »»» 1905
Canadian Express building »»» 1908
Schools and Universities
St. Paul Academy »»» 1900
Sainte-Anne Library »»» 1900
Jardin de l'enfance »»» 1900
The Priory School »»» 1900
Academie Sainte-Émelie »»» 1902
Chauveau School »»» 1902
Baron de Hirsch Institut »»» 1902
Trafalgar School for Girls »»» 1903
Athanase-David Pavilion (D) | UQAM »»» 1903
Collège Français »»» 1904
Edifice Camille-Laurin »»» 1905
Pensionnat Saint-Nom-de-Marie »»» 1905
Mount-Royal-School »»» 1905
Aberdeen School »»» 1905
Lansdowne School »»» 1905
Saint-Eusèbe School »»» 1906
Salaberry School »»» 1908
École Supérieure Richard »»» 1908
Roslyn School »»» 1908
Ste. Croix School »»» 1908
John Abbott College »»» 1908
McGill Macdonald Engineering Building »»» 1909
McGill Ross House »»» 1909
Saints-Anges School »»» 1909
Notre-Dame de Bon Secour Academy »»» 1909
Collège Marie de France »»» 1909
St. Clement's Anglican Church »»» 1900
Gurudwara Sahib Quebec-Montreal Temple »»» 1900
Saint-Jean de la Croix First Church »»» 1900
Holy Trinity Church »»» 1901
Chevra Cadosha Synagogue »»» 1902
Spa St-Jude »»» 1903
Saint-Léon de Westmount Church »»» 1903
St. Stephen Church »»» 1903
Austrian and Hungarian Synagogue »»» 1903
Second Olivet Baptist Church »»» 1903
Frère André Chapel »»» 1904
Scala Santa »»» 1905
East End Methodist Church »»» 1905
Très Saint nom de Jésus Church »»» 1906
Sainte-Cunégonde Church »»» 1906
Jean-Pierre-Perreault Building »»» 1906
Union United church »»» 1907
Unitarian Church (Church of the Messiah) »»» 1907
Maisonneuve-Saint Cuthbert's Presbyterian church »»» 1908
Saint-Édouard Church »»» 1909
St-Aloysius Church »»» 1909
Église Ste-Clothilde »»» 1909
Old Ste. Margarethe Church »»» 1909
Saving Bank »»» 1900
Former Molson Bank »»» 1900
Former Montreal Bank »»» 1901
Bank Of Montreal »»» 1902
La Banque Provinciale »»» 1902
Former Montreal Stock Exchange »»» 1904
Royal Bank »»» 1904
Laurentienne Bank »»» 1904
Bank Of Montreal Ste-Catherine East Branch »»» 1904
Merchant's Banks of Canada »»» 1905
Molson Bank »»» 1905
Saving Bank »»» 1906
Banque Nationale »»» 1906
Saving Bank Notre-Dame Branch »»» 1906
Banque d'Hochelaga »»» 1907
Royal Bank »»» 1907
National Bank Mont-Royal Branch »»» 1907
TD Bank »»» 1908
Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien »»» 1908
St-James Theatre »»» 1909
TD Canada Trust »»» 1909
Royal Bank »»» 1909
Scotia Bank Building »»» 1909
La Presse »»» 1900
Canadian Street Car Advertising »»» 1900
Montreal Star I Building »»» 1900
C. S. Allen & Co »»» 1900
Édifice Jacobs »»» 1901
C. P. R. Telegraph Building »»» 1901
Grand Trunk Building »»» 1902
Seybold Building »»» 1902
Guardian Building »»» 1902
Coristine Building »»» 1902
Board of trade »»» 1903
Beardmore Building »»» 1903
Metropolitan Building »»» 1904
Hudon & Orsali Building »»» 1904
Jones-Heward Building »»» 1904
La Patrie Building »»» 1905
Mussen Building »»» 1905
Montreal Light, Heat & Power Building »»» 1907
Maison de l'architecture »»» 1908
Lyman Building »»» 1908
Public Building
Ukrainian Federation »»» 1900
Institut des Sourdes-muettes »»» 1900
Head & Hands »»» 1900
Nincheri Studio »»» 1900
Fire Station de Lorimier »»» 1901
Museum of The Natural History Society »»» 1901

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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