Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1880 - 1890   >>

Death during this decade




Historical events of this decade

1881   Montreal have the autorisation to open a branch of Laval University in Montreal (will be latter University o

1885   A Small Pox Epidemic kills 3 164 Montrealers ( over 150 000 inhabitant)

1883   First Winter Carnival in Montreal

1882   Opening of the Montreal-Sorel railway

1884   First print of the newspaper La Presse

1886-06-28   First Trans Canada train departure

1886   Major Innondation of the town

1883   Annexation of the city of Hochelaga

1886   Annexion of Saint-Jean-Baptiste

1884   St. Cunégonde Village become City

1887   Annexion of St. Gabriel

1881   Population of Montreal city is around 140700 inhabitants

Picture of this time
Square Dominion
Square Dominion
Redpath museum
Redpath museum
Buildings built during this decade
New York Life Insurance building »»» 1889
Schools and Universities
Notre-Dame College »»» 1881
Former Plessis School »»» 1881
Pensionnat Sainte-Catherine »»» 1881
McGill Presbyterian College »»» 1882
Peter Redpath Museum »»» 1882
École Saint-Jean l'Évangéliste »»» 1883
Académie Saint-Jean-Baptiste »»» 1884
Saint-Pierre-Apôtre School »»» 1887
Victoria School »»» 1888
Côte-des-Neiges Presbyterian »»» 1880
St. Mary's Church »»» 1881
Shaar hashomayim Synaguogue »»» 1886
Sacré-coeur-de-jésus Church »»» 1887
Saint-Henri Church »»» 1887
St. James United Church »»» 1888
Montreal Chinease Aliance Church »»» 1889
St. Antony Church »»» 1889
Banque of Montreal »»» 1889
Waddell Building »»» 1884
Jesse-Joseph Building II-III »»» 1884
Savage & Lyman Building »»» 1887
Magasin-entrepôt Racine »»» 1887
Le Patrimoine »»» 1889
Temple Building »»» 1889
Public Building
Grace Dart Extented Care Center »»» 1880
Protestant House of Industry Refuge »»» 1881
Dalhousie Train Station »»» 1884
The M Telus »»» 1884
Préfontaine Centre »»» 1886
Windsor Train Station »»» 1888
Bonaventure Train Station »»» 1888
Mission Old Brewery »»» 1889
Apartments and Condos
Dollard Apartements »»» 1880
The Court Apartements »»» 1886
Hôtel Fédéral »»» 1881
Hôtel La Prairie »»» 1881
Industrials Building
Merchants Manufacturing »»» 1880
Dawes and Co Brewers and Malsters II »»» 1880
Wilson building »»» 1880
265, rue Saint-Martin / Bassin »»» 1880
281, rue de la Commune Ouest »»» 1881
Belding, Paul and Company »»» 1884
John Lovell & Son Building »»» 1884
Roger and King Building »»» 1885
Crathern and Caverhill »»» 1886
Craig Pumping Plant »»» 1887
Riverside pumping station »»» 1887
Canadian Cork Cutting Co. »»» 1887
C. R. Fox Boxer Factory »»» 1888
1300, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest »»» 1880
Peter-Redpath Building »»» 1881
Margaret-Benny Store-Warehouse »»» 1881
Auberge du Vieux-Port »»» 1883
445-449, rue Saint-Pierre »»» 1885
Joseph-Moïse-Valois Building »»» 1886
Berthelot Building »»» 1886
Magasin-entrepôt Esprit-Généreux »»» 1886
Burland Store/Warehouse »»» 1887
Bellefeuille building »»» 1887
J. Paré Grocery »»» 1887
Barsalou building »»» 1888
Wells Richardson Building »»» 1888
Nordheimer Building »»» 1888
Robillard Building »»» 1889
Trudel Building »»» 1889
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu X »»» 1889
Old Houses
944, boulevard Saint-Joseph (Lachine) »»» 1880
Thomas Craig House »»» 1882
Séraphin Saint-Onge House »»» 1882
Louis Joseph Forget House »»» 1883
Mount Stephen Club »»» 1884
McGill Faculty Club »»» 1886
John Redpath Mansion »»» 1886
Frank Fairleigh Parkins House »»» 1887
Jhon Millen house »»» 1887
James Phymister House »»» 1888
Peter Lyall House »»» 1889
François Xavier Saint-Charles House »»» 1889
James Johnston House »»» 1889
Monasteries, Religious Buildings
Maison-mère Congrégation Notre-Dame »»» 1880
Mont Saint-Louis »»» 1888
Ancienne Maison mère des Soeurs de la Providence »»» 1888
Pensionnat Notre-Dame du Saint-Rosaire »»» 1888
Typical Duplex and triplex
La cour fleurie Coop »»» 1880
1475, blvd René-Lévesque West »»» 1880
Duplex on de la Visitation »»» 1880
Little Burgundy - Row Plex »»» 1880
Rue Baile »»» 1885
Terrace Houses »»» 1885
rue MacKay »»» 1885
Town House »»» 1885
Triplex on Saint-André »»» 1885
Row Plex »»» 1885
2153-2145, rue Wellington »»» 1885
Plex on Pierce »»» 1885
Row Houses on Hotel-de-Ville »»» 1885
Plex on Parc Avenue »»» 1885
Duluth Corner House »»» 1885
Townhouse on Richemond »»» 1885

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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