Windsor Train Station

Picture Alexis Hamel 2010:03

Informations and facts

This building has neo-roman architectural style. Windsor Station is one of the most beautiful buildings in Montreal. It was commissioned by the Canadian Pacific Railway company while competition between major railway companies was strong so that they competed in luxury to show their economic power.

Since the construction of the Bell Centre Windsor Station lost its "station" function as the trains now stop at the Lucien Lallier station, west side of the Bell Centre. This building is now used as an office building.

The architectural style of this building is neo-Romanesque and has kept the same general look despite many enlargements. The heritage value of the building is protected under the Canadian classification of Rail buildings (as long at it will be owned by Canadian Pacific). This is the only major rail terminal in North America still intact. One famous part of this station is the lobby(salle des pas perdus), a huge and long interior space, topped by a vaulted roof, pierced by windows.

Windsor Station is connected to the Underground Montreal.

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Bruce Price

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
M. Clendenning, M. Davis

Modifications :
1900: Agrandissement rue de la Gauchetière Edward Maxwell

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   Architecture - public building

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