Montreal History by key date

Discover Montreal's history by decade by viewing historical pictures, images and building construction.

<<  Decade 1830 - 1840   >>

Death during this decade


Historical events of this decade

1832-05-21   Riot following a partial election : 3 death

1830   The Montreal arbour is officially incoporated

1834-06-24   Funding of the société Saint-Jean-Baptisete de Montréal

1833   Jacques Viger was elected mayor of Montreal by city councillors

1832   Incorporation for the city of Montreal

1836   Montreal is lighted by the Montreal Gas Light Co.

1836   The Catholic diocese in Montreal is form separate from the diocese of Quebec.

Picture of this time
Notre-Dame old drawring
Notre-Dame old drawring
Buildings built during this decade
St. Stephen's Anglican Church Lachine »»» 1831
St. Andrew's United Church »»» 1834
Chinees Catholic mission Church »»» 1835
Saint-Laurent Church »»» 1837
Former Customs »»» 1838
Public Building
Ste. Anne Market »»» 1834
Prison des Hommes »»» 1836
Rasco Hotel »»» 1835
Industrials Building
Charles-Lamontagne Warehouse »»» 1830
Lawrence-Kidd Store House »»» 1830
Joseph-T.-Barrett Building »»» 1835
Walter-Benny Building »»» 1835
Seraphino-Giraldi Store-house »»» 1837
Old Houses
Pigeon-Dumouchel House »»» 1830
Pierre-Persillier dit Lachapelle House »»» 1830
Eustache Lin Prévost House »»» 1830
Keegan House »»» 1830
Store House Samuel-Davies »»» 1833
Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine House »»» 1835
François-Perrin Store-house »»» 1835
John Gordon Mackenzie House »»» 1835
Thomas Brunet House »»» 1835
David David Ross McCord »»» 1836
Cuvillier-Ostell House »»» 1836
George-Étienne Cartier house »»» 1837
Damour House »»» 1837
Alexander Buchanan House »»» 1837
Maison Tousain Legault dit Deslaurier »»» 1839

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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