Southam Building

Informations and facts


D. R. Brown, Hugh Vallance

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Atlas Construction Co.

    Paper Hill

    This building is located in the «Secteur de valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle Beaver Hall, Paper Hill» AKA : "Area of outstanding heritage value Beaver Hall Paper Hill". This area is named this way because of the companies connected to the printer industry who settled there at the beginning of the twentieth century.

    Skyscrapers of second generation

    This building was built after the new municipal bill of 1901 that limits commercial skyscraper's height at 10 floors or 130 feet. This regulation was in force until 1923 and marked the second generation of skyscrapers in Montreal. In addition to the height, another characteristic of this generation of skyscrapers is the division into three parts of the facade. The first part, one to two floors generally offers larger windows and a different facade materials. The second part between the second and eight or ninth floor shows smaller windows close to each others, very regular. The third part usually includes the top two floors and marks a break in the rhythm of the front with an horizontal line and often a decoration more pronounced of windows.

    Other related pages to see

    5 images

    Mosaique Southam


    3 images

    Southam Press Limited


    1063, rue Saint-Alexandre

    Works cited, references and bibliography

    Les gratte-ciel de Montréal
    Madelain Forgete, 1990

    L'Architecture de Montréal
    Pierre-Richard Bisson, 1990

    Répertoire d'architecture traditionnelle : Architecture Industrielle , 1982

Discover more:

   Architecture - skyscrapers

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Tour des Canadiens III

1250 rue Saint-Antoine Ouest / Rue de la Montagne

2021 55 Floors
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Le Gabriel - Appartements de Luxe

1953, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest / Rue Towers / Du Fort

2021 12 Floors
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Rue de Bleury / Avenue Viger / De la Gauchetière

2021 39 Floors
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Old Montreal

628 Saint-Jacques

628, rue Saint-Jacques / Rue Gauvin

2021 38 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1916)


  • Saint-Jacques Apartements »»
  • Cinéma Impérial »»
  • Hotel 10 Montreal »»
  • St. Denis Theater »»
  • Ahuntsic / Cartierville

  • Centre Communautaire Ahuntsic »»
  • Lachine

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  • Lachine Fire Station »»
  • NDG

  • Loyola College (Concordia) »»
  • Catholic Orphanage »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • Garneau School »»
  • Old Montreal

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  • Verdun

  • La Poudrière »»
  • Montréal Nord

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  • Hampstead

  • Hampstead City Hall »»
  • Outremont

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  • Plateau Mont-Royal

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  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

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   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1916)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Annexion of Cartierville and Sault-au-Récollet
  • Big Demonstration anticonscriptionnist on the Place d'Arme
  • First conquest of the Stanley cut by the Montreal Canadian hockey team
  Facts about Montreal

  • The larget company in Montreal is BCE Bell Canada with ~ 12 000 employees
  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
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