San Lorenzo Condos

Informations and facts


Campanella & Associés

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Les constructions Di Fiore

Discover more:

   Architecture - appartement

2 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

753, rue Villeray, / De Chateaubriand

8 images

Projet 4050 Sainte-Catherine Ouest

4014-4050, rue Sainte-Catherine Oest

1 images

Refuge des jeunes de Montréal

1836, rue Sainte-Catherine Est

Building achieved the same year (2015)

   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (2015)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Demolition of Bonaventure Expressway
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
  Statistics about this page
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