This building is one of the first modern buildings in the city of Montreal. Located on the edge of Beaver Lake, this building is at the heart of the mountain. It serves as a place for the winter skating. A restaurant is housed on the second floor.
Recently renovated, the architects received an Award of Excellence - projects for the conservation and heritage restoration.
Patrimoine en devenir: l'architecture moderne du Québec
France Vanlaethem, 2012
Prix d'architecture de l'Odre des Architectes du Québec de 1978 à 2011
OAQ, 2010
Le Groupe Arcop/The Arcop Group , 2008
Les parcs de Montréal : des origines à nos jours
Jean de Laplante, 1990
This building won following awards
Architecture - public building
Building achieved the same year (1958)
DowntownAhuntsic / CartiervilleNDGVerdunMontréal NordMount-RoyalCôte-des-NeigesOutremontRosemontVilleray / Saint-Michel Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1958) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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