Borough Old Montreal

churches in Old Montreal

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Discover in pictures 9 churches in Old Montreal

2 images

Former Syrian Greek Orthodox church

Old Montreal

462, rue Notre-Dame Est

1 images
24 images

The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Montreal

Old Montreal

Located in the center of the historical district of Montreal, actual Notre-Dame Church is the second one of the same name in the city; the first one was located just beside and was destroyed to make r...

1 images

Presbyterian American Church

Old Montreal

Rue Saint-Jacques / Square-Victoria

1 images

St. Gabriel Church

Old Montreal

8 images

Notre-Dame de Bon-Secours Chapel

Old Montreal

The chapel is among the oldest places of worship still standing in Montréal. It succeeds to the first chapel that was destroyed by fire in 1754. It's still possible to see the foundations of this...

3 images

Notre-Dame de la pitié church

Old Montreal

Rue Notre-Dame

1 images

Notre-Dame des Victoires chapel

Old Montreal


2 images

Former Notre-Dame Church

Old Montreal

rue Notre-Dame

* This list in pictures of churches in Old Montreal is not necessarily complete

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