This is the third building for this business school. At the time of its construction this building was the most high-tech of all Montreal’s universities. Each student’s places in every classroom were connected to the Internet, as the library and many open area of the business school.
The architecture of this building is remarkable. Built from Dan S. Hanganu and Jodoin Lamare Pratt plans, the inside of the building was think to maximize natural light throughout a special treatment of spaces with mezzanines and suspended “bridges” crossing over wide open areas. The natural lighting seems part of the material and plans of this building with many windows often several storeys high. The building has also been able to take advantage of the wooded area along its western side. Several architectural elements may recall a ship.
The construction of the building cost a total of 85 millions. The final result was awarded in 2000 with “Award of Excellence” from the College of Architects of Quebec.
The building is constructed on a portion of College Brébeuf land.
The first school HEC Montreal “Hautes Etudes Commerciales” was founded in a business world dominated by English-speaking community in Quebec. French businessmen of this period called for a high level management school. HEC Montreal was founded by the “Chambre de commerce de Montréal”.
HEC Montreal today
Now affiliated with the University of Montreal, the school has more than 12 000 students, including more than 24% from foreign countries and near 250 full time teachers. It is also known worldwide for its MBA program. The library is one of the largest dedicated to the management in Canada.
Dan Hanganu Works 1981_2015
Essy Baniassad, 2017
Prix d'architecture de l'Odre des Architectes du Québec de 1978 à 2011
OAQ, 2010
Le Campus
Christina Cameron, Claudine Déom, Nicole Valois, 2010
Guide de l’architecture contemporaine de Montréal
Nancy Dunton et Helen Malkin, 2008
Jodoin Lamarre Pratte et Associés Architectes 50 ans | 1958-2008 , 2008
This building won following awards
2000 - Ordre des architectes du Québec - OAQ - Award of Excellence for Institutional Architecture
1996 - Sauvons Montréal - "Lemon" Prize
1993 - Sauvons Montréal - Dishonorable Mention
Architecture - schools and universities
Building achieved the same year (1997)
DowntownSaint-Henri / Petite-BourgognePointe Saint-CharlesOutremontPlateau Mont-Royal Facts about Montreal
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