Unity building

Informations and facts

    Paper Hill

    This building is located in the «Secteur de valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle Beaver Hall, Paper Hill» AKA : "Area of outstanding heritage value Beaver Hall Paper Hill". This area is named this way because of the companies connected to the printer industry who settled there at the beginning of the twentieth century.

    Skyscrapers of second generation

    This building was built after the new municipal bill of 1901 that limits commercial skyscraper's height at 10 floors or 130 feet. This regulation was in force until 1923 and marked the second generation of skyscrapers in Montreal. In addition to the height, another characteristic of this generation of skyscrapers is the division into three parts of the facade. The first part, one to two floors generally offers larger windows and a different facade materials. The second part between the second and eight or ninth floor shows smaller windows close to each others, very regular. The third part usually includes the top two floors and marks a break in the rhythm of the front with an horizontal line and often a decoration more pronounced of windows.

    Other related pages to see

    12 images

    Unity 2


    445, avenue Viger Ouest

    Works cited, references and bibliography

    Opération patrimoine architectural de MontréaL - Ville de Montréal
    Ville de Montréal, 2010

    Montréal, son histoire, son archiecture tome 4
    Guy Pinard, 1991

    Les gratte-ciel de Montréal
    Madelain Forgete, 1990

    This building won following awards

    2003 - Opération Patrimoine de Montréal - Heritage Enhancement Award

Discover more:

   Architecture - skyscrapers

6 images

Projet 5005 Jean-Talon Ouest

5005, rue Jean-talon Ouest

2025 12 Floors
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Projet 3477 Drummond

3477, rue Drummond

2025 12 Floors
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Bass 5

Rue Bassin / Du Séminaire

2025 20 Floors
11 images

Stirlyng Condos sur Peel

2022-2040, rue Peel

2025 22 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1913)


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   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1913)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Establishment of a permanent troop of Yiddish theatre in Montreal
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal is the second largest city in Canada
  • There are more then 480 buildings over 10 storeys in Montreal
  • Montreal attract more then 10 millions tourists a year
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