This building has néo-baroque architectural style.
This building was built after the new municipal bill of 1901 that limits commercial skyscraper's height at 10 floors or 130 feet. This regulation was in force until 1923 and marked the second generation of skyscrapers in Montreal. In addition to the height, another characteristic of this generation of skyscrapers is the division into three parts of the facade. The first part, one to two floors generally offers larger windows and a different facade materials. The second part between the second and eight or ninth floor shows smaller windows close to each others, very regular. The third part usually includes the top two floors and marks a break in the rhythm of the front with an horizontal line and often a decoration more pronounced of windows.
Opération patrimoine architectural de MontréaL - Ville de Montréal
Ville de Montréal, 2010
Architecture de Montréal, guide des styles et bâtiment
François Rmillard et Brain Merrett, 1990
Les gratte-ciel de Montréal
Madelain Forgete, 1990
L'Architecture de Montréal
Pierre-Richard Bisson, 1990
Répertoire d'architecture traditionnelle: Les Hôtels Les immeubles de bureaux , 1983
Vieux-Montréal : Le patrimoine en détail
Ville de Montréal
This building won following awards
2001 - Opération Patrimoine de Montréal - Heritage Enhancement Award
Architecture - skyscrapers
Building achieved the same year (1908)
DowntownSaint-Henri / Petite-BourgogneWestmountCentre-SudOld MontrealVerdunOuest de l'IlePointe Saint-CharlesLa Petite-PatrieCôte-St-Paul / Ville-ÉmardOutremontPlateau Mont-RoyalHochelaga-Maisonneuve Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1908) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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