Lecaron School

Informations and facts

   Architecture - schools and universities

14 images

Université de Montréal

2900, boulevard Édouard Montpetit

1943 16 Floors
1 images
Montréal Nord

Cooperative d habitation le Rouet

10815, boulevard Saint-Michel

1943 3 Floors
6 images

Collège Stanislas

780, boulevard Dollard / Van Horne

1942 5 Floors
10 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Académie de Roberval

1370, rue de Castelnau / Garnier

1942 3 Floors
  Facts about Montreal

  • A Montreal's nick name is : La ville aux cents clochés
  • Montreal was founded in 1642 by Maisonneuve
  • Montreal is the second largest city in Canada
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