This building is located in the «Secteur de valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle Square Viger» AKA : "Area of outstanding heritage value Square Viger.
Dan Hanganu Works 1981_2015
Essy Baniassad, 2017
Architecture de la connaissance au Québec
Jacques Plante, 2013
Prix d'architecture de l'Odre des Architectes du Québec de 1978 à 2011
OAQ, 2010
Guide de l’architecture contemporaine de Montréal
Nancy Dunton et Helen Malkin, 2008
RAIC - Architecture Canada - Distinctions et prix
This building won following awards
2000 - Sauvons Montréal - Orange Prize Recycling Category
2000 - Ordre des architectes du Québec - OAQ - Award of Excellence in the Recycling and Conversion category
Architecture - public building Facts about Montreal
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