This building has Art-deco architectural style.
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Héroux et Robert
Northern Deco
Sandra Cohen-Rose, 1996
Architecture de Montréal, guide des styles et bâtiment
François Rmillard et Brain Merrett, 1990
Répertoire d'architecture traditionnelle: Les Édifices Publics , 1981
Architecture - public building
Building achieved the same year (1930)
DowntownParc-ExtensionWestmountAhuntsic / CartiervilleLachineNDGCentre-SudOld MontrealVerdunOuest de l'IleLa Petite-PatrieMontreal-WestLaSalleRivière-des-Prairies, PATGriffintownOutremontPlateau Mont-RoyalRosemontVilleray / Saint-Michel Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1930) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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