Montréal's Album | Page of a person or institution in link with Montréal's history | |
| Name | William Dow
| Businessman | Biography
| Year of birth | 1800
| Year of dead | 1868
| Last update: | 2010-01-17
CodeIMTL 5808 6391 hits on this page since 2010/12/31
| Other related pages to see William-Dow House [Club, Engineer's of Montreal, Le Club des Ingénieures, Chez la mère Tucker] 1175-1183 place du Frère-André / René Lévesque Borough Downtown | 2 Floors 1861
160.56 /10 : 71 votes 4 pictures | 
Person or institution related to this page William Dow cofounded this financial institution Sun Life |
- Burial of Thomas Darcy McGee
- Death of Joseph Guibord of the Canadian institute. Church refused its burial.
- 19 bridges surround Montréal city
- 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
- Montreal Metro has 65 Stations
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