| Name | Canadian Pacific Railroad
| Transportation Company | Biography
| End of this of institution | 1881
| Last update: | 2010-12-21
CodeIMTL 5771 8677 hits on this page since 2010/12/31
Other related pages to see Jean-Talon Train Station [Park Avenue Station] Rue Jean-Talon Borough Parc-Extension | 4 Floors 1931
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Gare Berri [Nouvelle gare Viger] 755-775 Berri Street Borough Old Montreal | 3 Floors 1913
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Mile End old train station [ Gare St-Louis] Rue Bernard East / Saint-Dominique Borough Mile-end | 1 Floors 1911
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C. P. R. Telegraph Building [Telegraph Chambers] 204 de l'Hôpital Street / rue Saint-François-Xavier Borough Old Montreal | 8 Floors 1901
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Viger Train Station [Gare-hôtel Viger, Édifice Viger, Chateau Viger] 700 Saint-Antoine Street East Borough Downtown | 6 Floors 1898
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Windsor Train Station 1100 de la Gauchetière Street / Peel / Saint-Antoine/ H3B 2S2 Borough Downtown | 13 Floors 1888
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Dalhousie Train Station [Gare Dalhousie, ancienne École National du Cirque] 514-522 Notre-Dame Street East Borough Old Montreal | 3 Floors 1884
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Person or institution related to this page Canadian Pacific Railroad was lead 1881 - 1888 George Stephen Canadian Pacific Railroad was directed 1889 - 1899 William Cornelius Van Horne Canadian Pacific Railroad was cofounded by Lord Strathcona (Donald Smith) Canadian Pacific Railroad was directed Sir Edward Wenworth Beatty |