Carre Saint-Laurent



Provencher et Roy
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Société de développement Angus - SDA

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   Architecture - skyscrapers

1 images

Le chagall I

Avenue Marc-Chagall

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Les Condors

6950, chemin de la Côte-saint-Luc

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6980 Cote Saint Luc

6980, chemin de la Côte-saint-Luc

1 images

6800 Cote-Saint-Luc

6860, Côte-saint-Luc

Building achieved the same year (2019)

  Facts about Montreal

  • There are more then 480 buildings over 10 storeys in Montreal
  • Montreal attract more then 10 millions tourists a year
  • Snow is falling 61 days a year in Montreal
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