François Jarry House

Picture Alexis Hamel 2009:02

Informations and facts

At the time of boulevard Graham extension in 1957, City concil consider destroy this patrimonial house.

   Architecture - old Houses

2 images

Maison David Robertson Brown

1570, avenue des Pins Ouest

1912 3 Floors
2 images

Maison Joseph Lamoureux

chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine

1911 3 Floors
1 images

Maison George Hogg

The Boulevard

1911 3 Floors
1 images

Maison Charles G. Greenshields

1517, avenue Docteur Penfield

1911 3 Floors
  Facts about Montreal

  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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