Condo Evolo

Informations and facts

Evolo is a condo tower of 30 floors designed by the architect Jean-Pierre Bart. The tower have 270 apartments and is located on the northern part of Nuns' Island. The tower will be the first seen by motorists entering from the Champlain Bridge.

The picture above shows an unfinished road of the north end.

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Jean-Pierre Bart, Lemay Michaud

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:

   Architecture - skyscrapers

3 images

Baron Royal

7640, rue du Mans

1992 15 Floors
2 images
Montréal Nord

Le Rive Gouin I

3591, bouevard Gouin Est

1992 15 Floors
5 images

Complexe du Fort

2000, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, 1390, rue du Fort

1991 16 Floors
1 images

Tour Esso

7100, rue Jean-Talon Est

1991 12 Floors

Building achieved the same year (2012)


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   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (2012)
    See History of Montreal Section
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  • Michael Applebaum new Montreal mayor
  • "Printemps érable" more than a hundred street protests in the streets of Montreal
  Facts about Montreal

  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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