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McGill Campus view from plain
M West
Borough Centre-Ville

162.73 /10 : 70 votes
McGill Campus view from plain
Thin House
4646 Hotel de Ville Avenue
Borough Plateau Mont-Royal
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Thin House
Résidence Cité Rive II
7095 Gouin Boulevard East
Borough Rivière-des-Prairies, PAT
13 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
Résidence Cité Rive II
Row Houses on Hotel-de-Ville
975-1013 de l'Hôtel-de-Ville Avenue
Borough Centre-Ville
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
11 pictures
Row Houses on Hotel-de-Ville
Brown Student Services Building
3600 McTavish Street / Docteur Penfield
Borough Centre-Ville
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
3 pictures
Brown Student Services Building
Dickson Incinerator
2200 Dickson Street Avenue / Avenue Souligny
Borough Mercier
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
Dickson Incinerator
Montreal Est Town Hall
11370 Notre-Dame Street East
Borough Tous
5 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Montreal Est Town Hall
Hippodrome Blue Bonnets de Montréal
7440 Décarie Boulevard
Borough Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
12 pictures
Hippodrome Blue Bonnets de Montréal
Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes
Rue Coté / de la Gauchetièere
Borough Centre-Ville
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes
St. Anthony's Church
rue Saint-Antoine
Borough Centre-Ville
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
St. Anthony's Church
East End Methodist Church
de Maisonneuve (Montigny Boulevard / Bertrand)
Borough Centre-Sud
2 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
East End Methodist Church
Pierre-Laporte High School
1101 Chemin Rockland
Borough Mont-Royal
2 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
3 pictures
Pierre-Laporte High School
Couvent du Sacré-Coeur
Borough Centre-Ville
5 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Couvent du Sacré-Coeur
Henri Condos
4310 Saint-Jacques Street / Sainte-Marguerite
Borough Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
5 pictures
Henri Condos
Ottawa Bank - St-James
Rue Saint-Jacques
Borough Vieux-Montréal
10 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
2 pictures
Ottawa Bank - St-James
Former Beersheba Adventist Church
5450-5454 4e Avenue
Borough Rosemont
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
Former Beersheba Adventist Church
Former St-Michael Church Rectory
5294 Saint-Denis Street
Borough Plateau Mont-Royal
2 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Former St-Michael Church Rectory
All Nations Church
Carré Amherst
Borough Centre-Sud
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
All Nations Church
4446 Saint-Laurent Blvd
4436 - 4450 Saint-Laurent Boulevard
Borough Plateau Mont-Royal
9 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
4446 Saint-Laurent Blvd

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