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Angus Workshop
Rue Rachel East
Borough Rosemont
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
3 pictures
Angus Workshop
Typical Triplex
rue Saint-Denis
Borough Plateau Mont-Royal
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Typical Triplex
Tour Gouin IV
6845 Gouin Boulevard East
Borough Rivière-des-Prairies, PAT
10 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
2 pictures
Tour Gouin IV
Prince of Wales Terrace
Rue Sherbrooke
Borough Centre-Ville
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Prince of Wales Terrace
Résidence Les Tours
6995 Gouin Boulevard East
Borough Rivière-des-Prairies, PAT
11 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
Résidence Les Tours
Plex en escalier
258-276 Sherbrooke Street
Borough Centre-Ville
3 Floors
160.48 /10 : 71 votes
2 pictures
Plex en escalier
Plateau Mont-Royal view from the air

Borough Plateau Mont-Royal

162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Plateau Mont-Royal view from the air
President Kennedy Building (PK) UQAM
201 du Président-Kennedy Avenue
Borough Centre-Ville
9 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
President Kennedy Building (PK) UQAM
Empty Jean-Talon market
rue Casgrain
Borough La Petite-Patrie

162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Empty Jean-Talon market
Robert James Reekie House
Avenue Rosemont
Borough Westmount
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
2 pictures
Robert James Reekie  House
Store Warehouse Louis-Joseph-Béliveau
27-29 Saint-Paul Street East
Borough Vieux-Montréal
2 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Store Warehouse Louis-Joseph-Béliveau
Hudon & Orsali Building
105 Saint-Paul Street East
Borough Vieux-Montréal
5 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
3 pictures
Hudon & Orsali Building
Sainte-Cunégonde Asylum
Atwater / Albert (Lionel-Groulx)
Borough Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne
5 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Sainte-Cunégonde Asylum
Douglas Hospital
6875 LaSalle Boulevard
Borough Verdun
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Douglas Hospital
Duncan-McIntyre Building
751 square Victoria
Borough Centre-Ville
7 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
3 pictures
Duncan-McIntyre Building
Alliance Fire Assurance Co Building
Rue Saint-Jacques
Borough Vieux-Montréal
6 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Alliance Fire Assurance Co Building
Royal Vale School
5851 Somerled Avenue
Borough Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Royal Vale School
CLSC de Bordeaux-Cartierville
11822 av du Bois-de-Boulogne
Borough Ahuntsic / Cartierville
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
CLSC de Bordeaux-Cartierville
Cinéma du Quartier Latin
350 Emery Street / Saint-Denis
Borough Centre-Ville
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
4 pictures
Cinéma du Quartier Latin
Centre d'hébergement Bruchési
2225 Rachel Street East / Rue Messier
Borough Plateau Mont-Royal
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Centre d'hébergement Bruchési
Montreal Association for the Blinds
7010 Sherbrooke Street West
Borough Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
Montreal Association for the Blinds
Former St-Joseph Orphanage
4675 Bélanger Street
Borough Rosemont
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes
3 pictures
Former St-Joseph Orphanage

Redpath crescent
Borough Centre-Ville
3 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes

419-427 Viger Avenue East
Borough Centre-Ville
4 Floors
162.73 /10 : 70 votes

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