Apartments and Condos of Montreal

Picture Gallery : 491 to 500 of 1222 appartement found

5 images

Signature Bois-Franc


2020, rue Lucien-Thimens

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Escale Coop

Plateau Mont-Royal

This six-story housing cooperative has 15 units. The construction of this building cost 2,567,000 in 1985. An Orange prize was awarded by the Sauvons Montréal for this new construction.

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West 1482 Sainte-Catherine Project


1482-1488 Sainte-Catherine Ouest

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Wilson Building


This former industrial building will be transformed in a condo building. It should have a hundred units made possible with the addition of 4 floors. The building is located opposite the site of St. Pa...

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La Belle époque Apartments


3610, rue Durocher

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Haddon Hall Appartements


2150, rue Sherbrooke ouest

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M6 Condos


80, rue Prince

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Zuni Pointe-Nord

Nuns' island

1001, rue Jacques-Leber

2 images

McConnell & Molson Halls


3905, rue University

Several buildings in the « Apartments and Condos » section are also classified according to their former use. For the same reason they may appear in two differents sections

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