Old Houses of Montreal

Several kinds of buildings are listed under the Old Houses heading. First there are the farmhouses of earlier centuries, often made of fieldstone in a traditional style dating from the era of the French régime.

We also look at the luxurious residences of prominent citizens and at good examples of well designed bourgeois architecture, often designed by prominent architects. This section of the site currently also contains examples of extraordinary houses by modern architects.

Picture Gallery : 1 to 9 of 324 old Houses found

4 images

Clarence de Sola House


This house is now owned by the religiuos organisation Opus Dei through one of their fondation : "FONDATION POUR LA CULTURE ET L EDUCATION".

6 images

François de Martigny house


430, rue Sherbrooke Est

7 images

Peter Lyall House


This house was built in red sandstone, a stone imported from Scotland really appreciated by the owner / builder. The medieval type sculptures are the work of Henry Beaumont. This home designed by arc...

1 images

Robert-Armour House

Old Montreal

1 images

Maison William Caldwell Cottingham


Redpath Crescent

2 images

Vandelac House

Old Montreal

2 images

Pierre du Calvet house

Old Montreal

8 images

Hugue Allan House


This building has neo-renaissance architectural style.

Several buildings in the « Old Houses » section are also classified according to their former use. For the same reason they may appear in two differents sections

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