
Buildings located on - des Pins in Montreal

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50 Buildings

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McGill Stadium


Here is aold picture and one more actual. Ce stade est maintenant co...

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Frederick Newman Beardmore House


This house was uses as the Cuban embassy. The building was latter transformed into luxury condo apartments.

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Maison Jeffrey Hale Burland


1475, avenue des Pins Ouest

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Clarence de Sola House


This house is now owned by the religiuos organisation Opus Dei through one of their fondation : "FONDATION POUR LA CULTURE ET L EDUCATION".

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Alert Edmund Holt House


This building has Renouveau classique architectural style.

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David Robertson Brown House


1570, avenue des Pins Ouest

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65 th CMR Regiment

Plateau Mont-Royal

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M. Renouf Houses Edward and W.S. Maxwell


1548-1550, avenue des Pins

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Lavut Building

Plateau Mont-Royal

3720, rue Clark / Des Pins

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Mortimer Barnett Davis house


Mr Mortimer was president of the Imperial Tocbacco Company of Canada as the Saint-Antoine factory was one of the largest commercial enterprises in Canada with 3000 employees. He is the son of S. Davis...

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