Îlot Balmoral

   Architecture - public building

2 images
Plateau Mont-Royal

Club Saint-Denis

257, rue Sherbrooke Est

1925 4 Floors
3 images

Victoria Hall

4626, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

1924 4 Floors
13 images

Hôpital Notre-Dame

1560, rue Sherbrooke Est

1924 11 Floors
3 images

Gare Ville Mont-Royal

1275, Chemin Dunkirk

1924 1 Floors

Building achieved the same year (2018)

  Facts about Montreal

  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
  • The longest street in Montréal is blvd Gouin : 50 Km
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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